Jacqueline Kelly

Jacqueline Kelly

Educational Consultant - National Trainer

Jacqueline’s philosophy of teaching and learning is two-fold. The term “learning” is used in a dual sense, meaning that both the student as well as the educator should be on a continuum of gaining knowledge. As a former full time teacher, Jacqueline believes educators should always be striving to learn more, in order to remain successful for the ever-changing student. Not only learning new methods or strategies to teach our children, but especially taking the time to understand each student as an individual, and making a solid connection with them. This entails realizing what each child’s needs are as well as exactly how they learn, along with what really motivates them, and last but not least, what they want out of their own education…(and she knows exactly what you might be thinking, “Yeah, right, we have time for ALL of this?!”) Certainly, understanding the various learning styles that comprise the students’ skill base is essential in knowing the best way to teach them; however the more critical piece is engaging and motivating them to learn, so that the teacher can reach them. Once this combination is mastered, then and only then, are we able to structure the classroom and lessons, so students can receive the maximum benefit of achieving their academic goals. In this model, it truly exemplifies a “win-win” educational experience for all!
One of Jacqueline’s personal goals is to instill a passion for life-long learning in students and help teachers to implement a variety of skills to help them achieve the highest level of academic and personal success. One of Jacqueline’s core beliefs is that all children are capable of learning and have an innate desire to be successful at school. As educators, we can only hope to instill our “life’s lessons,” so they are utilized by our students not only in the classroom, but throughout their lifetime. Jacqueline understands that the ability to inspire a high level of importance, as well as a primary value of education in our students is an ever-challenging mission. With the plethora of distractions in today’s world, from highly advanced technology, social media, economic struggles within the home, neighborhood influences, etc.; it remains a constant challenge to keep students motivated and engaged in their learning. For this reason, it is critical that we make a connection with our students, and show them how much we care and how much we are invested in their education. First and foremost, students must feel safe and cared for, while knowing that their teachers maintain high expectations and have confidence in them and will help them to achieve success and accomplish their goals. Perhaps this may seem like common sense, and honestly, it is; but with more and more pressure put on teachers to improve test scores, student attendance, and manage challenging behaviors (to name a few), all while meeting the demands of increasing curriculum content and rigor, the former is lost in the whirlwind of “accountability.” Through her professional development training, Jacqueline promises to offer practical strategies that are proven to engage students and motivate learners!

  • Educational Advocate for Connecticut State Department of Education
  • Graduate of Cambridge College
  • National Trainer, Differentiated Instruction
  • Director at Your Educational Specialist
  • College Mentor & Executive Functioning Coach
  • Licensed Educator & Home-bound Instructor
Jacqueline Kelly